Arnold Schoenberg Chamber Symphony No. 1, arr. Anton Webern. Cantata Profana presented by Kettle Corn New Music. Jacob Ashworth, Violin; Hannah Collins, Cello; Jesse Han, Flute; Bixby Kennedy, Clarinet; Lee Dionne, Piano. May 28th, 2016 at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music
Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde in Arnold Schoenberg and Rainer Riehn's chamber arrangement. Jacob Ashworth, conductor; Sara Couden, alto; Thomas Cooley, tenor. Performed at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in NYC, Nov 30 2017
Arnold Schoenberg's Ode to Napoleon, Op. 41. From Cantata Profana presents: "The Rest of the World at War: Germany-America-1942" May 2014, Issue Project Room, New York. John Taylor Ward, reciter.
Claude Vivier - Pièce pour violon et clarinette (1975) Jacob Ashworth - violin; Gleb Kanasevich - clarinet. Live performance from Livewire Festival on October 22, 2021 at University of Maryland Baltimore County, Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall.
Unsuk Chin, Akrostichon-Wortspiel (Acrostic-Wordplay). Cantata Profana presented by Kettle Corn New Music. Jacob Ashworth, conductor; Jessica Petrus, singer. May 28th, 2016 at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music
Philippe Leroux - Voi(Rex). Jacob Ashworth, conductor; Lucy Dhegrae, soloist. Cantata Profana live at National Sawdust, June 3, 2018
Rahilia Hasanova's epic and ferocious piano trio "Nuva" (2003). Jacob Ashworth - violin; Madeline Fayette - cello; Daniel Schlosberg - piano. Live at DiMenna Center For Classical Music. November 4, 2022.
György Kurtag - Kafka-Fragments. Presented by Heartbeat Opera. Annie Rosen, voice; Jacob Ashworth, violin; Ethan Heard, director. The Sheen Center, NYC. March 2015